Working Title is a British film and television production company based in London. They have produced films such as 'Bridget Jones's Diary', 'About a Boy' and 'Hot Fuzz'
1. Who were the co-founders of Working Title?
The co founders were called Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe
2. When was the company founded?
Working title was founded in 1983
3. Where is Working Title Based?
Working Title is based in London, United Kingdom
4. Who are the co-chairpersons of Working Title?
The co-chairpersons of Working Title are Tim Beven and Eric Fellner
5. What Awards have Working Title won?
Working title have won many awards including 6 Academy Awards, 26 BAFTAs and 4 Oscars
6. How many full time staff does Working Title employ?
There are just 42 full time staff employed by Working Title
7. What is Working Title's Philosophy?
The Working Title philosophy has always been to make films for an audience - by that I mean play in a multiplex.
8. List 5 Box Office hits that have been made by Working Title:
- Four Weddings and a Funeral
- Notting Hill
- Attonement
- Bridget Jones's Diary
- Hot fuzz
9. List 5 box Office flops that have been made by Working Title:
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin
- Thunderbirds
- Green Zone
- The Boat That Rocked
- A Serious Man
10. What is Richard Curtis' relationship with Working Title?
He has dorected a lot of films for Working Title which have gone on to become a success.
11. List 2 famous directors that Working Title have worked with:
- Richard Curtis
- Kirk Jones
12. What is Hugh Grant's relationship with Working Title?
He has worked with Working Title many times and has starred in many of the films they have produced, mainly romcom's such as Notting Hill and Bridget Jones's Diary. He believes that there is something about the company rgar sets it apart from others.
13. Find out about the Coen Brotherds (films, genres, status) and what they have to do with Working Title:
Joel David Coen and Ethan Jesse Coen (professionally known as The Coen Brothers) are American film makers who write, direct and produce their films. They are known for their amazing visuals as well as their dry sense of humour. They have worked with Working Title on many occasions on films such as 'The Man Who Wasn't There.'
14. Who owns 67% of Working Title films? When did this happen? Why?
Universal Studios own 67% of Working Title Films. This was because PolyGram Films (Working Titlles main supporter) was merged and sold to Universal Studios in 1999 making them the main supporter, owning the large percentage.
15. List two of Working Title's big blockbuster films and find out their budgets:
-Notting Hill: Budget- £46 million
-Bridget Jones's Diary: Budget: £26 million
16. What genre of films is Working Title most famous for?
Working Title produces films ranging in genres from Commedies to family films, with their film ratings ranging from U's up to 18's.
17. What other genres do they produce?
They produce films with genres such as commedy, famil, romantic commedy, etc
18. Find out as much as you can about WT2? (When established, films made, budgets, awards)
Working Title productions launched a minor company called Working Title 2 Productions, often refered to as WT2. It was established in 1999 by Bevan and Fellener (Working Titles co-chairpersons) which is run by Natascha Wharton. It has made films such as Billy Elliot (with a budget of £3 million) and Shanun of the Dead (which had a budget of £4 million.)
19. What info can you find out about Working Title through their web page?
From their webpage, you can find information about upcomming films, along with their trailers as well as news about Working Title.
20. Find out an interesting fact about working title that you would like to share with the class:
Their main base is in London but they also have bases is LA and Ireland.
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